Again, last night, I went to MBSA to watch MENTOR. The main reason I wanted to watch the show live again this time, was definitely because of Salma. She performed together with Ayish. I'm not gonna make a review of the concert because I think the reviews are easily searchable in the net. Just google it. However, to make your googling job easier, I'd like to suggest to you guys, to go [
HERE] to read Adi Luqman's review of the last night's concert. I like his comments. Just so you know, he knows a lot about music because he himself, is a composer and a songwriter. My point is, you can trust his reviews.
No review means more pictures. So here are the pictures. Enjoy.
Persembahan Ayish (Protege Noh)

Persembahan Shiha (Protege Sharifah Aini)
Persembahan Ratnah (Protege Afdlin)
The best part of the night was hanging out with Salma. After the show, Pai and I 'kidnapped' her and went to a nearby restaurant to eat. Kami sembang-sembang lama sebelum 'penjaga' Salma datang bawa dia pulang. She's so damn funny. I tell you her secrets. She can twist her tongue 180 degrees and also make one of her eyes go 'juling'. It's amazing but weird and funny at the same time. Pai had a great time laughing at her.
Pewwit! With Ziana Zain (Male version) y'all!
Candid photos with Salma.
Mickey Mouse handbag? Not mine. It's Salma's.
Modeling time. You are allowed to puke now. Hehe.
She said she likes this picture. Yeay!
With Mizz Nina again. She's so nice.
I asked them to say "Huuu" while taking this picture.
I got to do it too. Haha!
Sesi makan tengah malam bersama Salma di Restoran Syed, Plaza Alam Sentral.
Look at Salma's eyes. Dia pandai buat mata 'juling sebelah'. So funny.
Overall, I had a great time last night. There's no MENTOR concert next week. When can we hang out again?