I just woke up and I feel terribly guilty. You want to know why? I'll tell you what happened.
This happened approximately 5 hours ago. We went to the market to buy some items. Plan mw masak rendang ayam because I asked for it.
After that, sdah ada bahan-bahan tu, tunggu apa lg. Kami pun masak lah. Sy tolong perah santan saja. Hehe.
And then it's lunch time. Part ni lah yg buat sy rasa bersalah tahap dewa dewi. You know what, I ate 3 plates of rice and finished the rendang. I feel extremely GUILTY because I should never had eaten that much. Back in Shah Alam, sy jarang sgt makan nasi. The maximum is 3 times a week. Kenapalah sy makan besar td? Haiz, I feel so uncomfortable right now. I think there's something wrong with me.
And then.
Pas makan tu sy duduk atas sofa. Rasa mengantuk pulak. Kalo mengantuk tunggu apa lg, sy pun tidur trus atas sofa tu. When I woke up, I feel extremely GUILTY again. Sy x spatutnya tidur selepas makan. Nnt sy membesar bagai johan.
Untuk mengurangkan perasaan bersalah tu, sy mengambil keputusan untuk tidak akan makan lg pada hari ni. Cukuplah 3 pinggan nasi tu untuk sehari (breakfast, lunch & dinner). And tomorrow, tomorrow and tomorrow, I promise I won't eat rice. Biarlah sy makan sayur + ayam sahaja.
Aaaah, I feel a lot better now. Hihihi.
Doh...ingatkn apa...:P
pergh.. aku ingt ko langar nenek tua melintas smpai mati ke ape ke... easy.. exercise suda.. aku pon 10 pinggan nasi pon still xberubah.. kalau aku skip meal pon still berat aku 65.. shit gile..
Ash: hehehe..
je who: haha.. melampau tahap dewa dewi langgar nenek lintas jalan.. ko best la, berat badan x pandai berubah.. sy kalo lebih makan cpt naik.. susah lak nak turun.. dah la malas exercise.. hehe..
Berat aku sekarang maintain 69-70 kg. Lagi best. Naik boley, turun susah betul. Makan, makan, makan. Nomnomnomnom.
aku berharap betul ko terbunuh kucing ka td...apa ka...hampa.
Hehe.. Berat sy 60.. OK ka tu?
Pai, motif? wakakakakaka~
makan je lah
dont worry sgt hokey
egt kan sumthing yg ghile ghile srious..hehehe
xpe la dude..
once in a blue moon aite..LOL
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