Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Refleksi Diri

While I was browsing through some blogs, I came across with this one, BUJANG SUSAH. I find that his posts are quite interesting, interesting enough for me to follow.

Just now, I read his comment on my previous post, KK Moments. He commented that I have such a nice blog - thank you very much for that - and also mentioned something about RIAK. What does he means by that? Thus, I begin to wonder.

Ini komen blogger Bujang Susah dalam entry KK Moments

Assalamualaikum... Salam ziarah dari sahabat.. nice blog n good entry.. 

Sedikit tips dan info buat teman2 bloggers.. perkara remeh yg kita kurang perasan dan tutor 4 the latest read more.. tengok jgn x tengok.. sila

Semoga bermanfaat insyaAllah.."Sebaik-baik manusia ialah orang yang dapat memberi manfaat kepada orang lain"(Hadis riwayat Al-Qudhi).


P/S: Sedikit perkongsian dan renungan buat sahabat dan diri sendiri dari hamba yang hina jua serba kekurangan ini... sila klik

"Sesungguhnya yang paling ditakutkan daripada apa yang aku takutkan menimpa kalian adalah asy syirkul ashghar (syirik kecil). Sahabat bertanya: "Apakah dimaksudkan syirik kecil itu? Baginda menjawab: Riak." (Hadis riwayat Imam Ahmad).

"Demi masa. Sesungguhnya manusia dalam kerugian. Melainkan mereka yang beriman dan beramal soleh serta saling menasihati untuk kebenaran dan saling menasihati untuk kesabaran". - Surah Al-Asr:1-3.

blog anda bagus dan bermanfaat...!!! Teruskan menulis.. Semoga sejahtera dan semoga sentiasa diberi keberkatan.. wassalam.

December 22, 2009 5:09 PM

Terdetik di hati saya, apakah motif di sebalik komen tersebut? Do I sound 'riak' to him? Or is it just a good reminder / advice - it is actually. 

Motifnya hanya saudara Bujang Susah yang tahu. Sebagai seorang manusia biasa, saya tidak dapat mengelak daripada memikirkan bahawa mungkin saya tampil riak melalui apa yang saya utarakan dalam post saya sebelum ini. Jikalau ada sesiapa yang berfikiran sedemikian, saya meminta maaf. Niat saya bukan untuk membangga diri dengan apa yang saya post dalam blog ini. Saya cuma ingin berkongsi pengalaman. Semua perkara yang saya bincangkan dalam blog saya ini adalah berdasarkan pengalaman diri saya sendiri dan saya tidak pernah berniat untuk membangga diri. 

Maybe I over-analyzed Bujang Susah's comment. But it's OK coz it's a good thing for me. I came to think of how people perceived what we said and how we thought we were doing it right. Each individual has different ways of looking at things. Some things might be true to some people and might not to some others. Just like what my friend, Fairuz always say, being not normal is NORMAL to some people and being normal is ABNORMAL for some others. My point is, we look at things differently.

Well, back to the issue, apakah motif saudara Bujang Susah? I have no friggin idea. But thanks so much. You've made me reflect on myself. =)


Anonymous said...

personally kn funzi komen mcm ni sgt typical.wat i mean its nothing bt a forward msg copy n paste.biasanya blogger yg byk follower x komen sgt.i mean stp follower dpt msj yg sama

Anonymous said...

Looks like sum1 who wants to promote sth, like...his blog?


SMK Pengiran Omar II said...

probably the way u write ur blog. il tell u later bout it :)

SMK Pengiran Omar II said...

the thing teslians we are used to exaggerate things in our writing..elements like metaphor, personifications are examples of exaggeration we use. this is our method of writing to make it more interesting. cool to some people but not so cool to others :p

Qarl said...

agreed with syam

btw fanzi,

every1 got their very own opinion

we, ourselves yg kne pndai whether nk accept or not

chill k

keep on blogging

Anonymous said...

Maybe, you as do I... think too much.

Maybe, It wasn't meant to mean anything.

Maybe, Professor Higgins was wrong- "when you do not say what you mean, then you do not mean what you say"- said he.

Maybe, this one said something that did not mean anything to anyone personally, but, it did mean something when it matters.

Maybe, since it does not matter to you as at, it is one of those red herrings in life.


Such a bother to think about when it was not meant to be, maybe. Unsolicited advice, maybe.

But why?

Maybe, in life some things are what they are.

Pearls of wisdom with meaning but no motive, maybe.

No reason for being, maybe.

Bothersome isn't it when I am a person of thought. We are persons of thought. Maybe.

But making me think when there is no reason for thinking. Its bothersome. Maybe.

Unknown said...

Syam and Ritz Chewan brought up a few insightful points...I agree to a certain degree that English speaking people have the tendency to express things from a seemingly exaggerated point of view...I said English speaking people as I fall into that category
even though I'm a no TESLian. The fact that we are really fond of utilizing the figure of speech (i.e. metaphor, simile, personifications and things of that nature) is incongruous to fellow non English speaking bloggers for it is as appealing to us as it is redundant to them.

That being said, I see eye to eye with Ritz Chewan when it comes to human nature. We do have the propensity to evaluate things beyond necessity and thus are inclined to believe that there is a hidden agenda behind every account.

Anonymous said...

You nailed it Ian..