Hello. Apa khabar? Harap-harap semua sihat.
Untuk entry kali ini, saya mau share tentang sambutan Tadau Kaamatan yang berlangsung di Dewan MCA, Ampang Park semalam. Sebenarnya saya baru sahaja balik dari sana ni. Walaupun rasa agak penat sikit, demi blog yang tersayang, saya postpone dahulu waktu tidur. Lagipun hari sudah petang. Tidak bagus sebenarnya tidur waktu petang ni.

The event was actually last night. But I went there a day early because I didn't want to miss the rehearsal. Oh, I forgot to tell you, I was invited to sing during the event. So, that's why I had to attend the rehearsal. Anyways, I went there on Friday. The rehearsal was of course very boring because ... alaaa ... you know how it goes kan? Basically, saya just buat sound-check. That's it. Nothing much.

And then, pada malamnya, saya balik ke hotel The Zon untuk berehat. Sesampai saja di sana, saya terus tidur. Penat gila. Sepatutnya saya perlu hafal lirik-lirik lagu tapi disebabkan kepenatan yang melampau, lantaklah ... to hell with the lyrics.
Esoknya, saya bangun dalam kerisauan. Kenapa? Sebab saya akan perform pada malam tu. Plus, saya belum hafal lirik-lirik lagu.
So, sepanjang pagi tu, before pi dewan, kerja saya just menghafal lirik lagu. Eventually, I managed to hafal although not 100%.

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Miss Nikki Karimah Pierstorff |
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With UNKV 2011; Miss Laura Simon |
I think she deserved it. She's beautiful even without make-up. She has the potential. All the best to her.
You should've taken more picture... I love to see beautiful lasses from sabah~winks~
Nikki tu lawa
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