Sunday, April 3, 2011

Akademi Fantasia 9: Erul dan Amir Paling Best

Wah! My previous entry pun pasal Akademi Fantasia. Two back-to-back entries about AF. Haha. In case you wanna read my review of last night's concert, click [here]. I promise this is the last one, probably, until next week. Itu pun kalau saya rajin buat review lagi lah. 

For this entry, I just want to announce my picks for this year's AF. Based on their performance last night, it could be either Erul or Amir who is going to lead. They've set the bar high last night. 

Si Erul ni ada complete package untuk jadi performer yang bagus. Suara dia bagus dan bertenaga. Dia boleh menari. Penampilan pun mantap macam artis-artis Korea. Well, he's a K-Pop fan, it's no wonder he likes to dress like them. Overall, Erul has all the advantages. Apparently, he doesn't have much to work on because basically he has it all, but still, if he wanna win this competition, hard work is a must. Vokal Erul kena jaga sikit. Don't always give too much. Sometimes he probably needs to soften his voice. Let there be some dynamics in the singing. After last night, ramai orang sudah start meminati dia terutamanya gadis-gadis remaja yang obses dengan K-Pop. So, it's an advantage for him. All the best Erul.

Si Amir ni pun apa kurangnya. Kecil-kecil cili padi. I think, his biggest asset is his voice. Suara dia sangat (darab 50 kali) sedap. I really (darab 10 kali) love his voice. He has this husky and soothing kinda voice which is awesome. Kalau dia pilih lagu yang sesuai dengan suara dia, confirm cair semua wanita-wanita yang mendengar. Kalau ada anugerah vokal terbaik malam tu, rasanya dia sapu lah. Persembahan terbaik Erul yang sapu. Haha. Anyway, Amir memang nyanyi best lah semalam. Keep up the good work.

Kita tengok nanti apa yang jadi minggu depan.


GuRaNgAk said...

"Kalau dia pilih lagu yang sesuai dengan suara dia, confirm cair semua wanita-wanita yang mendengar."

Sangat setuju! Unfotunately pemilihan lagu² utk konsert AF di pilih oleh tenaga² pengajar huhu.. :)
Erul is definitely the ONE to beat this season :)

hijauGreen said...

kalau x salah erul ni p'nah masuk realiti show jgk kan b4 af9..tapi lupe ape die..:D
btw, styleeee la u punye header ^_^~

Amni said...

but so far, nera leading.... and orang cakap suara miza paling mantap... what ever it is, still saya rasa AMIR nyer persembahan paling meletopp... dia berdiri je pon dah nampak ada aura... bila suara keluar... wallaweyhhhh.... memng betul cakap pak nil... memang dia boleh buat orang terpukau.... okey.. pujian melambung dah.. oh!

Fanzi Ruji said...

cancerGreen: dia pernah join MENTOR (protege Jaclyn Victor) before this. thank u. =)

GuRaNgAk: yup. kan best kalo dorang buleh pilih lagu sendiri. AF just bagi tema saja. n pilihan lagu terpulang kepada contestants.

Fanzi Ruji said...

amni: semua org ada pendapat masing2. sy rasa erul and amir paling oustanding semalam. =)