Hari ni sepatutnya fun sebab esok weekend. Tetapi, disebabkan kejadian yang berlaku selepas kelas Introduction To Shakespeare tadi, hari ni jadi agak menyedihkan.
But that's not really the point. Saya tidak mau ulas balik apa yang berlaku tadi. Let bygone be bygone. The important thing is, we've learned something from it.
In relation to the incident, I also learned something new about my friend, X (bukan nama sebenar). Sepanjang perkenalan saya dengan dia, dia sentiasa act cool. Dia ni orang yang sangat tenang. Dia bukan jenis orang yang suka 'huha-huha' macam saya. Pendek kata, dia ni cool lah. He speaks only when he needs to.
Until just now, he showed his different side. While having our lunch, we had a discussion about the incident. He seemed so angry. I could see it on his face. His lips and hands were shaking and I just couldn't look at his eyes.
I have never seen him like that. Like I said, dia ni sentiasa cool, macam tiada perasaan. Tapi kejadian tadi (time lunch) tu menunjukkan X ni sebenarnya mempunyai perasaan (well, he's just a normal human being). And I'm really glad to see that coming from him.
Persoalannya, kenapa dia marah? Simply put, dia marah sebab orang lain ambil kesempatan dan cuba manipulate dia. Mungkin orang tu fikir dia ni mudah diperalatkan sebab dia sentiasa cool, tidak banyak cakap dan tidak banyak membantah. Apparently, orang tu salah perkiraan.
Back to the earlier part, X handled his anger brilliantly. Dia bukan macam certain orang yang kalau marah, jerit sana sini, tendang sana sini dan maki sana sini. Nope. He handled it so professionally. Dia bagi reasons yang sangat rasional untuk clarify his anger, which I think not all people could do. He didn't swear even a single word of profane language. He managed to keep his composure. Memang sangat obvious dia bengang tadi. Tapi dia dapat kawal kemarahan itu.
He showed a really good example of how to handle anger. I have so much respect for him because of that. I feel bad for him sebab ada orang cuba manipulate dia just because of his good characteristics. But he's not dumb to fall for it. Memang saya tabik spring sama dia. Satu lagi characteristic dia yang saya suka ialah, dia akan back up kawan-kawan dia kalau ada orang cuba bagi masalah sama diorang.
He's definitely The Man.
What have I learned? I learned that we can always control our anger. I also learned that some people would try to take advantage or manipulate you. Therefore, be careful with these kind of people. The important lesson of all, love your friends. Don't let them be used or played by other people.
1 comment:
Itu kwn yg susah mo cari panj....I oso love my fren and wanna protect them from being used, insult or fitnah. I don't care what people talk about me. Words can't kill me. So what doesn't kill me will make me stronger...everyday we learned something and sharing..Next time while someone make you angry, recall this words I sharing with you.. "Make your anger so expensive that no one can't afford it, but make your SMILE so cheap that everyone can have it for free"..
If I got angry than I'll make sure my angry made in china so x bertahan lama and skijap tidur pastu bgn ok suda mood...hehe..If you got tips just sharing with me bro..
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