Friday, April 1, 2011

Seminar Pembangunan Pemantapan Professional Insaniah

Assalamualaikum semua. Apa khabar? Semoga kamu semua sihat-sihat belaka. Saya di sini sihat. I have never been better than this. I learned something very + extremely + super valuable today. I would like to express my deepest gratitude to Encik Ateh Zuhairi for opening my eyes and mind to a whole new outlook of life.

QUESTION: "Siapa Encik Ateh Zuhairi ni?"

OK, now allow me to cerita kejadian yang berlaku petang tadi dari A sampai Z. Beberapa hari lepas, I got this letter. Hm. Habis saja baca surat tu, soalan yang timbul di kepala saya ialah, 

"Kenapa saya kena join seminar ni?" 

"Penting sangat kah seminar ni?"

And then lepas tu,

"Buang masa saja seminar macam ni. Malas lah mau pi!"

Tapi dalam surat tu terpampang besar perkataan DIWAJIBKAN HADIR. Alaa, ni yang tidak best ni. So, walaupun malas berat hati, saya dan beberapa orang kawan (termasuklah Pai, Fara dan Awang) datang juga ke seminar tu.

Sebaik sahaja melangkah masuk ke dalam bilik seminar tu, lagu nasyid pun berkumandang. Otak saya terus bagitau,

"Oh, ni confirm ceramah agama."

I'm embarrassed to reveal this, but at that moment, I felt so uncomfortable that I actually thought of leaving the room and go somewhere else. But, I didn't. And I'm greatly thankful that I stayed in the room. Andai kata saya keluar dari bilik seminar tu, I would have missed something that is very precious. 

Semua benda yang Encik Ateh Zuhairi kongsi time seminar tadi sangat-sangat-sangat precious. Encik Ateh (he prefers to be called Ateh) ni ialah penceramah seminar tu. His real name is Zuhairi Nopiah. Kamu boleh baca lebih lanjut tentang dia di sini [CLICK]. 

In the seminar, he shared his concept of 'Law of Universal Attraction' or LUA. Dia cakap hidup manusia ni berhubung rapat dengan sangkaan. Meaning, whatever things that happen to us are closely linked with our thoughts. Bad thoughts will lead to something bad and vice versa. Dia cakap lagi, semua perkara yang kita fikir / sangka merupakan doa. Benda buruk yang kita fikir akan jadi doa dan begitulah juga sebaliknya. 

Therefore, moral of the story is, if you want good things to happen to us, sentiasalah berfikiran positif. Love everyone and avoid from hating other people no matter how bad those people are because they are part of ujian Tuhan. Tuhan bagi kita ujian bukan sebab Dia saja-saja mau bagi. Dia bagi ujian sebab Dia sayang kita semua. 

The way he delivered his ceramah just now was so 'menginsafkan' (sorry I couldn't remember the English word for that). Sebaik sahaja saya melangkah keluar dari bilik tu, saya rasa sangat hebat (in a positive way). Saya rasa macam Fanzi yang baru. Wahahahaha!

Saya berazam untuk jadi seorang yang lebih baik. I wanna get rid of my negative aspects and try to be positive. I wanna start loving other people and avoid myself from hating them. Amin.

Encik Ateh cakap, if you encounter bad things, lafazlah

"Nauzubillahi min zalik."

Do visit Encik Ateh's site here:

Last thing I want to say, I'm GLAD I attended the seminar.


Unknown said...

U shud hv attended the DiGi camp we went last tym. Lg hebat impact dia..

fs said...

maybe u should join me with my company.i'm promise u'll be reborn!! hee~

Fanzi Ruji said...

Oh online ye. Ko online dkt mana Fara?

Can I ask what is your company's name? Haha.

Dewi Batrishya said...

Yezza! The DiGi camp was the best so far! ^^

If u really want a life changing LUA talks, I have the video. ;)

Even better than today's talk neways. :P

Fanzi Ruji said...

Today's talk was awesome bah. Trus sy insaf.

fs said...

i online kat bukit jelutong la..

my company's name is Learning Edge Consultant.they organize motivation programmes too. (: