What's up? How are you? I hope you're doing fine. I'm good.
Untuk entry ini, saya mau feature sebuah / sebiji / sekilo / secebis / sekuntum video ... minta maaf lah sebab saya tidak tau apa penjodoh bilangan untuk video.
Anyway, ini video yang sangat special ... bukan main-main punya. Anda mau tau kenapa video ini special? Simply because I made the video.
No lah. Just kidding. Not because of that ... though it's true that I, with the help of my friends, made the video. This video conveys very important message. That's why it is special.
Actually, this video is one of the tasks that we need to do for our Asian Literature course. Madam R minta kami buat satu video based on one short story. Short story yang kami pilih ialah Gulai Rawo. Basically the story is about remembering your roots.
Note: Dari segi teknikal, video ni memang banyak flaw. Harap dimaafkan. Kami amatur.
Before I end this post, please remember ... appreciate them while they are still here.
opening dia mcm filem barat... hebat....
i think all of us bole buka production sndiri suda ni tau. tlmpau byk asgment bt drama sndiri haha
anda termasuk dalam top 30 .. =)
namapun amatur memang banyak la yg silap tapi walau macamana pun ia membawa masej yang sangat baik. tahniah fanzi. :) check it out ! ada muka kau....bahaha :)
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