Saturday, March 19, 2011

Bernard Laimen Micheal - Nipi Ku

Finally!! Dapat juga saya ber-internet. Semenjak-dua-menjak ni, internet di rumah kami sangat problematic. Pandai betul dia pilih masa untuk buat hal. Time kami sedang menderita sebab assignments, time tu juga dia 'bercuti'. Kalau internet ni orang, sudah lama dia masuk hospital. Sebab apa? Sebab kena belasah oleh saya. Haha!

Anyway, that's not the point. Untuk entry kali ni, saya mau bercerita tentang seseorang yang extremely talented. This entry is dedicated to Bernard Laimen Micheal. The question is, who is this guy? 

Well, this guy is a singer. He's well-known in Sabah. Memang lah well-known di Sabah sebab dia ni artis Sabah. He's one of my favourite Sabahan artists. He's really talented. I've bought his album, Nipi Ku, and I must say, the album is amazing. The songs in the album are fresh in a sense that it's different from any songs ever recorded by other Sabahan singers. Genre music yang diketengahkan oleh Bernard ialah R&B. Saya ni memang peminat lagu-lagu R&B. Semua 11 lagu di dalam album dia memang best.

Nipi Ku - Bernard Laimen Micheal 
I Love You D (Be The Right Man)
Kakal Kosorou Diya
Kada Oku Olingai
Nombo No
Pologoson Oku Mupus Diya
Rati Do Piginawaan
Haruskah Aku Cinta
Songulun Koupusanku
Tupus Di Natalup
Sampai Di Sini Saja

Honestly, I love all the songs, like seriously. Semuanya bagus. Bernard told me that it took him 3 years to finish the album. 3 tahun bukan sekejap. Tapi memang berbaloi lah sebab produk yang dihasilkan memang berkualiti. Inilah yang sepatutnya dicontohi oleh artis-artis sekarang. We should focus on the quality of our product. That's exactly what Bernard did and the result, para pendengar pun puas hati. Tahniah Bernard!

Thanks Bernard for going through the trouble of sending me the album. 

Buat peminat-peminat industri muzik tempatan Sabah, album Nipi Ku ni wajib dimiliki. Lagu-lagu dalam album semuanya best terutamanya I Love You D (Be The Right Man), Kakal Kosorou Diya, Nombo No, Pologoson Oku Mupus Diya, Haruskah Aku Cinta dan Songulun Koupusanku. 

Watch the video for the snippets of some of the songs.

Video: YouTube

Akhir kata, good luck and all the best to you Bernard.

1 comment:

kyoo reza said...

Ada Anugerah Lagu utk Artis Sabah d 1B..hu3x

ko pny lagu x msuk ka ??hu3